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▓ 敬致馬來西亞地區良機冷卻塔用戶 │ 2024/06/21




Dear Valued Customers of Liang Chi cooling towers in Malaysia:

Our currently authorized distributor in Malaysia is Eindec Singapore Pte. Ltd., https://www.eindec.com.sg/our-products/, and we terminated the distribution right of the former distributor. Purchasing products from Eindec Singapore Pte. Ltd. can ensure product quality and after-sales service. Any other companies on the market who pronounce to be "Liang Chi Cooling Tower (M)" are selling counterfeit products. In order to ensure quality, please be advised to choose Liang Chi legally authorized distributors to purchase from.

敬致馬來西亞地區良機冷卻塔用戶 <2024/06/21>
良機集團公開徵求澳洲、紐西蘭經銷代理 <2024/06/18>
良機台南分公司改建工程開工動土典禮 <2023/05/31>
高雄新裝,璀璨登場。 <2022/06/13>
良機集團公開徵求馬來西亞地區經銷代理 <2022/04/06>
本公司榮獲財政部109年度統一發票績優營業人表揚 ,由財務部陳協理代表領獎。 <2020/10/01>
良機高雄分公司改建工程開工動土典禮 <2020/06/12>
ISO 45001職業安全衛生管理認證 <2020/03/03>
良機企業集團捐助新台幣100萬元為台灣花蓮賑災 <2018/02/08>
公司已開通微信公眾平臺,敬請關注! <2018/02/07>
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